Improving Battery
Guide to Improving Battery Life on Linux Mint with TLP
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Installing TLP
InstallingStartingPowertopand Enabling TLPTroubleshootingUnderstandingPowertopTLP Modes- Checking TLP Status
- Conclusion
1. Introduction
This guide will walk you through the installation and usage of twoTLP, toolsa tool that can help improve the battery life of your Linux Mint laptop:laptop. TLP and Powertop. These tools can optimizeoptimizes power usage andin providethe informationbackground, aboutautomatically power-consumingadjusting processes.settings based on power source.
2. Installing TLP
TLP is an advanced power management tool for Linux that runs in the background and automatically optimizes power settings.
To install TLP, open a terminal and run the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tlp tlp-rdw
sudo tlp start
3. InstallingStarting Powertopand Enabling TLP
PowertopThis iscommand awill toolstart developedTLP byimmediately. IntelHowever, thatto providesensure informationTLP aboutstarts theautomatically powerat consumptionboot, ofyou yourneed system'sto processesenable and
sudo systemctl enable tlp.service
ToAfter installinstalling Powertop,TLP, openyou acan terminalstart andit runwith the following command:
sudo apt-gettlp install powertop
To use Powertop, run sudo powertop. You can also run sudo powertop --auto-tune to have Powertop automatically optimize power settings.
4. TroubleshootingUnderstanding PowertopTLP Modes
IfTLP youoperates encounterin issuestwo withmain Powertopmodes: notAC beingand ableBattery. When your laptop is plugged into a power source, TLP operates in AC mode, allowing for higher performance. When running on battery, TLP switches to performBattery measurements,mode, it might be dueaiming to theminimize absencepower of a specific directoryconsumption and fileextend thatbattery Powertoplife. needsThis toswitch storehappens itsautomatically.
5. Checking TLP Status
You can manually createcheck the directorystatus andof filethe TLP service at any time with the following commands:command:
sudo mkdirsystemctl -pstatus /var/cache/powertop/
sudo touch /var/cache/powertop/saved_parameters.powertop
AfterThis creatingwill show whether the directoryTLP service is active and file,running. tryFor runningmore Powertopdetailed again.information about your system's power settings and status, you can use the tlp-stat
command. This command outputs a variety of information, including current CPU settings, power settings for various devices, and more.
5.6. Conclusion
By using TLP and Powertop,TLP, you can gain more control over your system's power usage and potentially extend your laptop's battery life. Remember to monitor your system's performance and stability as you make changes, and always back up your data before making significant system changes.