ATEM Controller
Guide: Running ATEM Control on Linux via Wine and Receiving RTMP Streams with nginx
- Step 1: Install ATEM Control using Wine
- Step 2: Create a Desktop Shortcut for ATEM Control
- Step 3: Receive RTMP Streams using nginx
- Step 4: Process the RTMP Stream in OBS
Step 1: Install ATEM Control using Wine
Firstly, install Wine:
sudo apt update sudo apt install wine64 wine32
Download the required VC++ Redistributable:
Install the VC++ Redistributable using Wine:
WINEPREFIX=~/.wine64 WINEARCH=win64 wine64 vc_redist.x64.exe
Download and install ATEM Control and any other required files using Wine.
Step 2: Create a Desktop Shortcut for ATEM Control
Using vim, create a new file named
:vim BMD-atem-control.desktop
Insert the following content into the file:
#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Terminal=true Icon=mate-panel-launcher Icon[en_US]=mate-panel-launcher Name[en_US]=BMD-atem-control Exec=env WINEPREFIX=/home/joscha_mijailovic/.wine64 WINEARCH=win64 taskset -c 0 wine64 /home/joscha_mijailovic/.wine64/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Blackmagic\ Design/Blackmagic\ ATEM\ Switchers/ATEM\ Software\ Control/ATEM\ Software\ Control.exe Name=BMD-atem-control
Save and exit vim.
Make the
file executable:chmod +x BMD-atem-control.desktop
You can now double-click on the
file to launch ATEM Control or place it on your desktop for easier access.
Step 3: Receive RTMP Streams using nginx
Install nginx with the RTMP module (example for Ubuntu):
sudo apt install libnginx-mod-rtmp nginx
Edit the nginx configuration file:
sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Add the following RTMP configuration to the end of the file:
rtmp { server { listen 1935; chunk_size 4096; application live { live on; record off; } } }
Save and exit vim.
Restart nginx:
sudo systemctl restart nginx
Step 4: Process the RTMP Stream in OBS
- Open OBS (Open Broadcaster Software).
- Go to "Sources" and click on the "+" symbol to add a new source.
- Select "Media Source" and give it an appropriate name.
- In the next window, uncheck "Local File" and input your RTMP stream link in the "Input" box. It should look something like this:
is the unique key you used when broadcasting the stream. - Click "OK", and the stream should appear in OBS.
Note: There may be additional dependencies or steps required for the ATEM Control section since not all Windows applications run perfectly under Wine. Ensure your computer has the appropriate network configuration and firewall settings to correctly receive and transmit the RTMP stream.
Hoffe, das ist jetzt passend!